Sunday, December 21, 2008

I used to be cute.

MeeMaw keeps photo albums for all her children and grandchildren. 
I like to flip through my childhood.... Reminisce about terrible hair of the past, traumatic memories of  being tickled until I peed my pants (in front of the whole fam), waking up at 3 or 4 am to look at Santa Claus gifts, my room decorated top to bottom in CLOWNS, etc. 

Here are three (I had to photo the photos... bad idear, I know) I wanted to share. 

I couldn't find the photo of me eating dirt from a flower pot, but found one of me eating a balloon string?

My first Renaissance Fair in Houston. 

Buried (By my older brothers) at the Sand Hills

(NOT from my album, but from last weekend) Sitting on a Jackalope at the Art Bazaar in Austin. you should go- lotsa awesome stuff there!

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