Sunday, December 28, 2008


Veggie Chopping

Tonight everybody (except Mike and Jack- busily watching the Cowboys game) contributed in some way to our meal. 

Sortin' nuts

Tony: Oh-So-Serious

And it was quite deeeelish, even if the perfectionist BrotherChef was not quite satisfied. 
Tony the eldest brother Bologna has been getting inspiration from Smitten Kitchen, a really beautiful food/recipe blog site. 

Tonight he made Zuni Cafe's roasted chicken on bread salad.... What is a bread salad, you might ask? It's a bread salad!!!? It was damn good, that's what it was. 

Bread + Greens + Love

I'll miss having people to cook with. To dine with. To chat with before, during, and after every meal. I'll miss playing Wii afterwards, laughing until we cry because we all suck so badly at the bell choir. 

1 comment:

TexasDeb said...

Wow great minds cooking alike. We didn't have the bread salad (although I love me some bread salad) but we did have a roasted chicken all our own.

Yum! Roasted chicken.

Yay! Family to cook/eat with.

Enjoy your visit kiddo!