Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Dreams

Spring has sprung.

Been thinking a lot about summer. How I wish I could get started with the guilt-free lazy days which I will spend lying by the springs while reading a book.

I also have been dreaming about my two vacations this summer. A trip to the lake house with a bunch of teachery friends and a rather Epic road trip with the Randy that will include stops in New Mexico, Utah, and California. Then my brother will be coming down from Connecticut with the childrens and there will be some family summer love. It should be a grand June and July.

But for now I can just watch the Spring flowers bloom and then whither in the sun, and wait for the next batch of colors to come up. Blue.....Yellow....Purple....Red... I'm loving them all.

Life up and down dates:
  • I am poor. Substitute teaching is not my cup of tea.
  • My search is well underway for a full-time art teacher job in the public schools for 2010-2011. Cross your fingers for me, please.
  • In July I start my communications up with the Peace Corps again. Cross all sets of fingers for me.
  • I have a couple of potential summer gigs lined up. Babysitting, nannying, possibly collecting the census.


TexasDeb said...

Sounds like your summer will be full time fun. Wanting you to know I have all possible fingers crossed wrt Peace Corp progress which makes it VERY hard to type. Go PPastry!

xymarla said...

Consider all digits duly crossed!

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