Saturday, April 17, 2010

These boots are made for walking.

Back in the day, this curly-headed girl tried out for and made the UT women's rowing team. I was an NCAA athlete for, eh, a month or so before deciding the full-time training and pain and dropping grades was not for me.

However, I did get forced in to a fondness for running in those days, and forced my boyfriend at the time, Emmanuel, to run with me. Although he had run track as a youngn', I'd like to credit myself for his getting back in to running in college. I like to think that at one time, I was a bit more in shape than him.
  • Time passed.
  • Jennifer began yoga and less body-damaging activities. :) Emmanuel kept running.
  • Em trained himself to do a half marathon.
Me dropping Em off at 5-ish in the am for his races. Then I'd rush and wait at the mid-point and the end to photo/yell/wave.
  • Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
  • Emmanuel ran his first marathon in Austin. After finishing, rather than say "OK, that's that" this little Filipino says, "I think I'm going to qualify for Boston."
    • More Time passed.
    • Emmanuel happened upon a top-notch coach who took him under his wing.
    • Emmanuel started working at Run-Tex. (You can thank him for the water deliveries around town lake and go to him for amazing athletic shoes)
    • Emmanuel started running for TeamMac
    • Tic-Tock
      1904 Boston Marathon (earliest known picture)

    • Emmanuel qualified for the Boston Marathon!! For those of you who don't know, Em's qualifying time had to be below 3 hours and 10 minutes..... That means 26 miles at a 7 minute 30 second pace... that is INSANE(ly awesome)!! He also did it at the Austin Marathon, which is one of the harder Texas marathon courses.
    • Em continues to run and get rediculously fast times, improving all the time.
    • On Monday, April 20th, he will be running with 25,000 others at this prestigious event. He is hoping to achieve a personal record, but really he already has... he made it!
    GO EMBO!!

    1 comment:

    Howard said...

    Great Story! We're proud of Emmanuel and we hope he does well in Boston!
    Love you,
    Dad & Pam