Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Food Moods

I am quickly discovering that my job at Central Market should be that of a Foodie.
After every training session or shift completed in the past week, I spend well over what should be my allotted food budget (I can't say for certain what that is) on foods to take home. It is my only solace after an 8 hour shift on my feet.
I also get a free cooking class (up to 45 dollars) each month, which I have already picked out for the next two months.

Aside from spending way too much money on groceries (at least it's not boos or boobs??), I HAVE been attempting to eat healthier.

And I am trying to turn my grocery store job into an educational experience. It really is better than reading a book and almost like free culinary school.
New foods discovered this week: Black quinoa, and fresh Bahri dates.
The Bahri dates are almost good enough to pass as a dessert for me. I'm trying to eat more fruit, but with my roomy making brownies and me having an itching to bake every week it is quite hard to substitute the butter with sweet produce.

Last Thursday I made these little guys-

Maple cranberry, walnut, oatmeal cookie sandwiches (with maple cream-cheese frosting).

It's all the frosting's fault, really.

I had a bucket of it left after making cupcakes last week, and had a desire to get more rave reviews from Randy's colleagues (since I don't have my own teaching co-workers).
So I made maple flavored sweet, sandwich, deliciousness.

I think it made a few people very happy.
I know the cookies made me happy.

And now I'm all out of sweets and frosting and must bake something tomorrow on my day off.
'Til Then, friends.


xymarla said...

Hello dear! Uhm ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Your blog is spectacularly awesome. Allow me to demonstrate:

Exhibit B: You have a dog with my almost same name!
Exhibit C: That vid you made for Randycakes
Exhibit D: Did I mention the fooooodz?

Prepare to be blog-stalked like never before.

TexasDeb said...

They could pay to call you a Foodie but you most definitely ALREADY ARE ONE says me. To wit: sushi halloween treats, T'giving feasts for friends, etc. etc. etc. Not even to mention (but I will) the delectable looking maple cranberry whatnots. Argh. Now I am hungry.

Looking forward to hearing more about your food discoveries.